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Ziylan continues to make progress in Turkey’s growing domestic market

Turkish footwear group Ziylan beat its own expectations in 2016, selling 35 million pairs in the domestic market rather than the 22 million pairs it had anticipated.

It claimed a 20% share of the total Turkish shoe market last year. Its figures put the total number of pairs sold in Turkey in 2016 at 175 million pairs. If correct, this would indicate an increase of 9.4% compared to the figure for 2015.

Ziylan chief executive, Burak Ovunc, has said the company is continuing to invest in new factories in Turkey and has ceased to produce any of its shoes in China.

The group has 450 stores across Turkey, under its Flo, Polaris and Sport in Street brands. It acquired Italian footwear brand Lumberjack in 2012 and, in April 2016, announced it had acquired major German footwear company HR Group, which runs the 530-store Reno retail chain.

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